Where were you? Where were you on September 11th, 2001?
Where were you at 8:45am when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center? Maybe you were dropping your children off at school, maybe you were fighting the morning rush hour traffic making you late once again to work, maybe you were thinking about the presentation you had to pitch that day. Or maybe you were sitting in a local cafe reading the newspaper, maybe you were sleeping.
Where were you at 9:03am when United Airlines Flight 175 crashed into the south tower? Maybe you were staring at a television with your jaw dropped and your eyes filled with tears. Maybe you were calling your loved ones. Maybe you rushed to pick up your children from school that you just dropped off an hour ago. Maybe you were scared to death not knowing what was going to happen next.
Where were you at 9:43am when American Airlines Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon? Maybe you were in the streets of New York City running from terror. Maybe you were across the country in shock of the black smoke that you saw on your television screen filling the blue sky. Maybe you were dusting off that bible that had been sitting on that shelf for years. Maybe you were realizing what was happening.
Where were you at 10:05am when the south tower collapsed with so many people in its wake? Maybe you were somewhere thinking about the people inside going through a literal living hell. Maybe you were a first responder that was there. Maybe you were witnessing hell first hand. Maybe you were on the other end of the endless 911 calls that came in that morning to New York City. Maybe you heard some peoples last words, their helpless screams because you knew you could not possibly do anything to save them all.
Where were you at 10:10am when United Airlines Flight 93 crashed into that Pennsylvania field? Maybe you were on the phone with your loved one that was on that flight, maybe you were hearing the words from them that you didn't ever want to hear. Maybe you were taking shelter in the comfort of your home with your spouse and children. Maybe you were on your knees somewhere begging God for mercy on our country. Maybe you were angry, angry that our great nation was falling before everyones eyes. Maybe you were in a pew rejoicing that you weren't there, but hurting for the ones who were.
Where were you at 10:28am when the north tower fell to its end? Maybe you reporting the terror to our country through the TV. Maybe you were there and decided to help in anyway that you could. Maybe you were at the Pentagon. Maybe you were a first responder standing in the rubble of the Pennsylvania field that was going up in flames. Maybe you were somewhere trying to wrap your mind around what was happening.
Where were you when it was all over? Where were you when the actual terror ended and the reality of hell was just beginning? Where were you when countless people were notified of their loved ones not making it? Where were you when New York City went dark that September night?
Let me ask you something new.
Where are you now?
Where are and who are you now 15 years later? Where are you now that we have rebuilt and recovered from the loss that we sustained as a whole 15 short years ago? Are you a friend of someone who didn't come home that night? Who are you? Are you a survivor? Are you someone who was in one of the towers that morning who made it out alive? Are you a spouse of someone that lost their life that day? Are you a teacher who will now teach our students of the event out a textbook when instead you could tell the story better? Are you a child that was so young that you don't even remember that day? Are you thankful that we banned together as a country and leaned on one another to regain the pride that was once lost in black smoke of the towers? Are you a different person now? Were you someone who was deployed to fight for our country soon after that attack?
Whoever you are, you are a part of history. You are strong. You are a survivor.
On this 15 year anniversary of that September day, I hope we all reflect and remember those who lost their life on that day. I hope we are thankful that we have not suffered an attack like that since. I hope we come together again as a nation, I hope we have not forgotten how it felt that day, I hope we as survivors of that day give thanks everyday. I hope those who suffered loss that day of a child, a husband, a wife, a parent, a family member, a friend, remember them in the good times and not in the tragic way they lost their life. I hope you are healed. I hope for peace, no, I pray for peace.
God bless those who lives were lost that day and God bless the United States of America.