Where Were The Feminists? | The Odyssey Online
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Where Were The Feminists?

Generation Selective Feminism

Where Were The Feminists?

Feminists are seemingly always on the hunt to attack President Donald Trump at every chance they get, and they even attack any individual related to the Trump administration. However, there comes a point when these individuals are no longer feminists, they are selective feminists. They pick and choose when they want to support women when it best suits their agenda, and there are so many things wrong with that.

Where were the feminists all of the times that Kellyanne Conway was skewered by the media? I am not saying that she is by any means a great women because she has made many mistakes along the way, but she was the first woman to successfully manage a presidential campaign. Instead of acknowledging that great accomplishment for women in history, the woman gets mocked on "Saturday Night Live" and on the internet all of the time. What about that time Anderson Cooper rolled his eyes at Conway live on air? Instead of viewers questioning Cooper's unprofessional behavior, the internet applauded him. Yet next to no one sees anything wrong with that. There was no feminist movement standing up to support her and the mistreatment of women on full display for the world to see. It does not matter how you feel about Conway. If you consider yourself a part of a movement to end the mistreatment of women, you should not have shared any memes or laughed along with Cooper.

Where were the feminists when "Saturday Night Live" did the skit on Sarah Huckabee Sanders? The television program, which if you ask me is getting worse by the season, has gotten way too political and is more sexist than it is funny. The show depicted Sanders as being an overweight country bumpkin who is even more unqualified than Sean Spicer to be speaking to the press. Yet no one stood up to support Sanders, who I believe is doing a wonderful job as Principal Deputy White House Press Secretary, but because she is a part of the Trump administration, it's apparently OK to let her image be manipulated and destroyed on television. Apparently it's OK to mock a woman's weight if she has any relation to the Trump administration. It's all so sad to see.

What about all of the times that Melania Trump was dragged through the mud just because of her husband? She is criticized for being a "whore" because of all of the old naked modeling pictures from when she was much younger, yet aren't women allowed to have autonomy over what they do with their bodies? She is attacked for how she speaks, yet the woman speaks fives languages fluently. She is disparaged for her speeches, yet we all know that she is not the one writing them. Finally, she is crucified for living in New York with her son, yet she is only waiting for her son's school year to be over and then they will be moving into the White House. The woman can seemingly do nothing right and she receives no support from the feminist community.

Perhaps if feminists today stopped being so selective regarding which situations they want to stand up for women and which ones they want to help tear women down, women would be given greater respect. You can't put a label on yourself and not uphold the standards set by that movement. It's counterproductive and quite frankly, it's just wrong.

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