Deciding on a college is one of the biggest decisions that you will ever make. There are so many factors that go into deciding where you will continue on your education. Some of these may including attending a school that offers the program that you plan to go into, good athletics, location to home, or even affordability. Each aspect holds its own importance when deciding on what college to go to. However, one school that holds a special place in my heart is Washington State University. Washington State will meet every expectation that one may have going into college, and here are five reasons why every high school senior should consider WSU.
1. The college town
Going to school in a college town was one of the things that most appealed to me about WSU. Everything in Pullman has coug flags, banners, or the crimson and gray that WSU students hold so close to their hearts. Walking around a town with so much pride for their school is such a dream.
2. The school spirit
Once a Coug always a Coug is a saying that rings so true. The biggest draw to WSU is the fact that there are people all over the world ready to rep the cougars and support them. In Costa Rica, during the Holiday Bowl, 40 people gathered behind a building to watch a projection of Washington State play football. This is so powerful and more than you can ever ask from your college.
3. There's something for everyone
Whether you're interested in sports, theater, art, or math, there is something for everyone at WSU. I have met so many people from just going to club meetings that I didn't even think I would be interested in. WSU offers tons of opportunities to get involved in many different ways.
4. CFS is like no other
Cougar football has been on another level this year and everyone is so proud of our Coug football players. CFS is something that no one at other schools will ever get to experience. Everyone is yelling, cheering, and just having a great time. The pride for our school runs deep and that is incredibly apparent on football Saturdays.
5. WSU brings the best friendships
There is no place on earth like WSU and people at this school know that. It brings us closer. Finding your forever friends is hard, but WSU allows you such a great opportunity to do this.