I'm going to be honest:
I've been shaking all day. I've been hyperventilating and crying and staring at my wall. Why?
Because I have Tokophobia.
For those of you who don't know what that is, it's the fear of becoming pregnant and giving birth. So what does this have to do with anything? Well, President Trump (well, more so Vice President Pence) along with a Republican controlled house and senate is dangerous for women like me.
But that's not all. We've learned that we are second class citizens and that reporting sexual assaults doesn't matter- men will be still get their careers. But what can we do to ensure our safety?
For one thing: get an IUD. If you don't want to become pregnant, take advantage of the affordable care act. It does hurt, but some doctors will put you under anesthesia (mine did). The IUD has the greatest success rate- and you don't need it replaced for 3 to 10 years, and you can get hormonal and non-hormonal. It is the best line of defense against pregnancy. IUD's are free,but without the AFA, they could be $600. Here's a guide.
Stock up on vitamin C, the plan B pill and Midol. Go to your doctor now if there's anything wrong with your reproductive organs. Take care of your body.
Learn self-defense- I hate to break it to you, but if we can elect a man who openly admitted to assaulting a woman, men may get some bad ideas. Stick together- don't let your friend walk home alone at night.
Please don't give up on your dreams, I know it's tough. I know you've been waiting a very long time. I know I have. I'm scared too.
The only way to help ourselves is to help other women. Remember, you are beautiful, and you are strong and you are worth a million dollars.
Just remember, if you're upset, turn off the news. Surround yourself with positivity. I've been so anxious, and I'm afraid, but it really helps if you put yourself in a positive environment around people you love and feel safe around. It's going to be hard, it's going to be tough, but stay strong. Don't let yourself sink down.
You can do anything you want to- one of you reading this article might even be president one day.
Don't assume that everyone who voted for Trump did so out of malice. Instead, teach them. We live in a dangerous time, in a dangerous world.
Don't be afraid to report assaults. Be brave. Be strong. You are wonderful.
So what does this election mean for women?
We just have to stick together. Perhaps we'll finally get the female solidarity that we so desperately need.
I hope so, and I hope everything will be okay. I wish you all the love I can carry in my heart.