Where to buy bitcoin with debit card? | The Odyssey Online
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Where to buy bitcoin with debit card?

Where to buy bitcoin with debit card?

When a person wants to raise money on crypto, the first step is to buy this crypto for fiat money. One can not buy coins directly from the bank, so the money should be transferred to crypto currency exchange (if one is not prohibited to do so by law).

There are several ways to do it:

  • transfer from the account in the bank/electronic money institution,
  • use bitcoin ATM (available in several countries),
  • use your debit card.

In the present day world using a card is quite a natural step as far as cards are widely used to pay for any goods or services.

How to buy bitcoin with debit card?

Buying bitcoin with a debit card is quite a simple thing, there are 2 essential questions.

You just have to find, where you want to buy it and where you want to store it.

There are plenty of companies, which allow you to buy bitcoin with debit card. Wundertrading provides quite a simple and understanding interface - just like in any internet shop. You can not only buy bitcoin, but other coins: USDT, ETH and etc. One should put in the number of the card, cardholder's name, the date until the card is valid and CVC/CVV of the back side of the card.

You can buy coins directly on crypto exchanges, as far as there are many of them, and start trade.

Pay your attention to such crypto exchanges:

· Binance

· Kraken

· Coinbase


· Huobi

· Bybit

Which is the best way to buy bitcoin with debit card?

There is no great difference where and how to buy bitcoin. Crypto rates does not vary substantially. Every company, every crypto exchange may have its flaws and its strong points.

There is a great difference how to store coins. It depends on the investors' aims and its demands towards safety. If he wants to start trade immediately - that is one thing, if he wants to buy and hold - that is another matter. When the subsequent exchanges are not planned, it is better to send your crypto to your desktop wallet. Crypto currencies are very often attacked by those who are interested in acquiring other peoples crypto.

Buy bitcoin with debit card without verification: possible or not?

If you want to buy Bitcoin on Binance you should pass verification right at the start, and this could take a lot of time. But Binance is not the only option.

The crypto currency lures investors by anonymity, though it is not complete. A lot of people dream about having money somewhere safe without anyone's (including banks, tax authorities and relatives) knowledge. So one of the most common question is where to buy bitcoin with debit card without verification.

It is quite possible. Many services do not demand verification. For instance, Bitcoin.com permits to buy bitcoin on 900 euro without verification. If the sum spent is more, verification is required. The service also informs that due to regulatory requirements in some countries, one may be asked to pass verification.

Many platforms allow a person to buy bitcoin and other coins without even putting the right name and family name. We can name some of them: ShapeShift, LocalBitcoins.com, Paxful.

The transactions usually rather quick and you receive your crypto on your wallet almost instantly. Crypto wallet is also anonymous - its address is a combination of symbols, which has nothing to do with identification of its holder. There is no problem to buy crypto and to send it to the wallet, which is controlled by someone else. Cryptoworld is still very far from traditional bank compliance, and allows to buy coins with minimum formalities.

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