Where To Study Abroad
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Where To Study Abroad

The places you should consider when thinking about studying abroad.

Where To Study Abroad

I can remember my freshman orientation. It was unlike other freshman orientations because it took place in the small Tuscan village of Tuscania. I, like ten percent of the college population, studied abroad. Unlike that same ten percent, however, I choose to do it my freshman year of college. At my orientation, the leader of the program said to us, “Get lost.” Why do I still remember this four years after the fact? The answer is because it really resonated with me. After visiting thirty countries, traveling all over the world, and participating in countless adventures, “get lost” translated into “embrace adventure.” Don’t be afraid to step out of the box and do something a little different. It was when I was looking for my second location to study abroad that I discovered an interesting statistic which went against my new life motto of embracing adventure. I discovered that most people who study abroad study in London or Paris. This is true. I discovered that, when asking people where they were planning on studying abroad, there was a relatively uniform answer based on the school they went to. Marist, for instance, has most students study in Florence or Paris because of its strong programs there. But after traveling all over the world, I wondered why people weren’t taking advantage of the beautiful cities the world has to offer. I figured that most people didn’t know about these awesome other cities that were out there. So, I took the time to write this fine article to inform all of you of the best location to study abroad based on what you are looking for.

Are you an adventure seeker?

If you love the thrill of jumping out of an airplane, climbing mountains, or just being surrounded by absolutely beautiful views wherever you go, don’t get stuck amidst the high rises of London. Instead, look in the complete opposite direction towards Queenstown, New Zealand. This absolutely picturesque little town is surrounded by mountains and a lake. It takes on the appearance of a little ski village with quaint shops and restaurants. For those of you craving adventure, Queenstown is the place to be. The main walk is lined with sky diving, bungee jumping, and other adventure sport companies just eager to give you the time of your life. I went sky diving there and had the time of my life. The view on your way down is absolutely incredible and once in a lifetime moment.

A historian?

If you’re like me, you love learning about history. I love looking at ruins or historical sites. But choosing where to study abroad may be harder than listing the allies during World War II. My answer for you is that it’s all about what you love. For those in love with ancient Rome, head to Rome. Those of you who are fascinated by the Renaissance, Florence is your new home. For those of you who are fascinated by World War II, however, I have an answer that might surprise you. While most of you might think I am about to suggest Germany, although that is an excellent choice, I would choose Poland instead. Krakow, Poland is a short drive from one of the most infamous World War II sites of Auschwitz-Birkenou concentration camp. Even for those who do not like history, this site is an absolute must-see. It is paralyzing to stand where so much destruction took place. It will make you rethink your life and the way you treat people. Krakow is also home to the real Schindler Factory. I am talking about the one that the movie was made after.

A romantic?

For those of you who are hopeless romantics and love the beautiful cities straight out of fairy tale books, don’t look to Paris, but instead another city that starts with “P;” Prague. Prague is an absolutely beautiful city separated by a river. On one side of the river is a more modern part of the city, and on the other, the fairy tale you are craving. Complete with a castle and cobblestone streets, mountaintop looks over all of Prague. Right across from this castle on a mountaintop sites the most unlikely place for a Starbucks ever. But against all odds it is still possible to grab a cup of hot mocha and site overlooking the city. The nightlife is also one of the best. There is a five-story nightclub that has a different theme on every floor. There is also an underground bar in which you travel through a maze like system to reach an arrangement of different bars.

A partier?

For this I have to ask the inevitable question of what kind of partier are you? Do you prefer alcohol? If yes, then Germany is an incredible place. Home of the original Oktoberfest, Germany becomes the drinking capital of the world every fall. With steins that total a twelve pack of Bud light in one glass, it’s no wonder why. Of course, when you aren’t at the biggest party ever you can enjoy some great parties at the nightclubs around Berlin, which are equally well known. This, combined with the massive beer halls which occupy the streets of Germany, makes it a drinkers paradise. However, if your type of party involves a lighter and some rolling paper, look no further than Amsterdam. An amazing city with history, great food, and coffee shops which aren’t really coffee shops, this is the place any smoker would love to call home.

A foodie?

I have a massive addiction to food. I not only love to cook, but I love to eat. And I know I am not the only one. Because there are so many of us foodies, we should probably spread out between Spain, Italy, and France. Some of the best food lines the beaches of Barcelona, including an amazing burger place in case you’re craving American. Italy is of course known for its pizza and pasta. But all around Italy, fresh food is being served which makes it even better than the processed food American restaurants tend to serve. France is also known for its fabulous cuisine. World renowned chiefs like Gordon Ramsey mastered their skills in Paris, making it one of the food capitals of the world.

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