I have dealt with this horrible thing called insecurity since before I can even remember. It has definitely always been the biggest struggle I have in my life, so I tried to pinpoint where it all started. I came up with two different events and I'm sure anyone that struggles with insecurities can agree:
1) Friends and/or significant others that have betrayed me
2) Comparing myself to others (in terms of beauty, intellect, talent, etc).
Both of these reasons have always made me feel like I was too much or not enough, never in between. I have always put the blame for these insecurities that have haunted my every move on others for years. The Bible says in 1 Samuel 16:7 "The Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." This verse entirely transformed my thinking: if I were to never make other people my idol or compared myself to them, if I would have cared less about people's opinions of me and more of God's opinion of me, I would not be half as insecure as I am today and everyday. Sure, people can (and will) be cruel and nasty sometimes. But Jesus loves them, too, so shouldn't I?
Start realizing you have an audience of One. God's opinion is ultimately the one that matters. You only live to please One. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, and He becomes the reason we live, the things of earth grow strangely dim. Fixing our eyes on eternity puts everything else into perspective. You become so much more secure and confident in your identity when you know where your worth is found.
My worth isn't in my grades, physical beauty, or what others think of me. My worth is in the blood of Jesus. I am so important that the Creator of the heavens, the earth, and puppies made me and wants a relationship with me.
THAT is the definition of worth. And He feels that way about you, too.