With everything going on in this country I find myself constantly asking the question, where is the love? The Black Eyed Peas came out with a song titled with the very same question I find myself asking in 2003. We are now in 2016, and yet it is like our country isn't progressing. It is like our country is regressing and only moving backwards.
Instead of being a united country, we are divided by the hate that is rising faster than ever before. There are two people running for president. It is a very black and white picture. People either vote for Trump and are instantly assumed to be racist and support hate, or they vote for Hillary and are assume to support a criminal. This race for president is dividing families, breaking apart friendships, and fueling bad blood all over our country. What ever happened to respecting each other despite our differences?
If that isn't bad enough, we have people divided by the killings of men by police and the killings of police by men. Instead of mourning for the lives of the people who have died we instantly turn it into a race war. We dig up the bad facts of the people killed by the police and blame them. We have people who support the "F*** the Police" movement and are wanting revenge. Please, someone, tell me where the love is in that picture? Why can't we come together and care for each other instead of turning everything into a big war between the minorities and the majority?
Let's not forget to mention how you are either anti-parent and pro-gorilla, or you are pro-parent and anti-gorilla once that child fell into the gorilla pit at the Cincinnati Zoo. I cannot lie, I was quick to become upset by the killing of the gorilla, but did anyone make a big fuss out of the safety and protection of the child? We were quick to point fingers at the parents for bad parenting. We were quick to say the gorilla had the right to live, but what about the child? Why didn't people send love and support letters to that child?
Sadly this place we call the 'United' States isn't so united as the name declares. We have people afraid to go to church because they are afraid of being judged for who they used to be or who they currently are. Some churches have become more about money and political power instead of being the true meaning of a church. They force the rules of religion instead of preaching the gospel of Jesus.
It seems like the only time we become a united nation is when there is a terrorist attack in other countries. A lot of people were quick to change their profile pictures to the colors of the French flag, but how come when it comes to the terrorist attacks in Middle Eastern countries we turn our heads and pretend it doesn't exist?
It's like we truly forgot the meaning of love and being united. We have let our selfish ways turn us hard and bitter instead of spreading the love we were given to share.
People are too busy killing each other in our country while there are men and women across seas fighting for our freedom. People are too busy judging someone by their clothes or their skin color that we let our heads be filled with stereotypes instead of learning to get to know that person for who they are and not what they look like.
Maybe we need to come together again. Maybe we need to truly become a united country instead of just using the word 'united' to describe us. Let's go and find the love and come together instead of dividing us. Maybe then we can find where the love is.