Throughout my recent breakup I have caught myself in loneliness and pain, asking, "Where is God in this?" "Does he see me hurting?" "Does he care?" This blog is a reminder of where God is, all the time, but espeically during a breakup.
1) God is here.
Its easy when to let thoughts of loneliness creep in, but God is with you. Always. He is not leaving. You and God are never breaking up. Never feel alone. The breather of the stars is beside you, and he is enough.
2) He was in the relationship.
Whether you put him there or not, he was there. He saw the ups and the downs. He knew if it was a God-centered relationship and he knew a break up was coming.
3) He is at the end of the pain.
He is hear now, listening to you cry, and when the black veil is lifted and the clouds have moved from over your head and you wipe all the 4-day-old mascara off of your cheeks, he will be there. Waiting for you. Holding you. Saying "my daughter, I knew you would get through this.
4) He is where your true "life-plan" lies.
So you thought y'all were gonna get married and now he is gone? What do you do now? Cry? Husband-search? Seek attention from other men? Join a cult? Worry yourself to death? No. Just relax. Trust God. He has a plan. God will make you into what you can not make of yourself.
5) He is with the man you are going to marry.
On that same note, he knows who you are supposed to be with. You have to believe that God knows who you will marry someday and that he is capable of leading you to the right man.
6) He is where satisfaction is found.
The only that can ever wholly and truly satisfy the human heart is God. No man. No friends. No purse. No dog. God. He is the only answer.
7) He is where you go to get replenished.
When your hallelujahs are tired, when you've cried out to God too many times, when you feel empty, abandoned, unloved, go to the Lord and he will replenish your soul, over and over and over.
8) He is true love.
"God always allows us to feel the frailty of human love so we will appreciate the strength of his." C.S. Lewis
9) He is where worth is found.
My biggest problem after my break up was feeling like "now that said boy doesn't see me as worthy, I must be unworthy" Not true. SO not true. Worth is found in Christ. I am worthy, and you are worthy, because God says we are. Because he formed us, and thought that we deserved to be on this Earth. You are worthy. (See a whole other blog coming on this soon)
10) He is hearing your prayers.
He hears every cry you lift up to him. He even hears the cries you don't. He hears you. He is listening. Just be patient and wait for an answer.
11) He is where sin is covered.
There is NO pit of sadness, or sin, or darkness that is too deep for God's love to reach. Where sin is running deep, Jesus is running deeper. Do not ever feel ashamed. Do not ever feel unforgiven. The Lord says we are forgiven and redeemed. He has died so that we can be these things.