Every year around this time I go through what I like to term as post-Christmas blues. The world is wet, cold, slushy, and everyone seems to think that all Christmas ornaments should have been taken down weeks ago. Being somewhat of a rebel, I tend to passionately keep on playing Christmas songs well into July. I also might be guilty of having Christmas lights strung up in my room year round. I understand that some of you may get sick of the Christmas stuff after a little bit, but I honestly feel that as long as a chance of snow resides in our skies the Christmas ornaments should be liberally sprinkled across our houses. The overwhelming majority of people that I express this opinion to seem to disagree vehemently. Why is that? What is so objectionable about Christmas? It has good color schemes, is the only time of the year when playing non-auto-tuned music on the radio seems to be a widely excepted practice, and it celebrates what is for most of us one of the most exciting moments in human history. Stopping on that note of color schemes, why is it that we seem to like picking atrocious color schemes for most of our holidays? Valentines day, Easter, and Halloween all are offenders in this regard. Pink? Every neon color of the unnatural rainbow? Orange and Purple? Why? But I digress, the real question is,what makes us so eager to tear down the Christmas decorations the moment Christmas is technically over? I cannot personally think of a logical argument for such actions. After all, if we extended the Christmas season we could have eggnog and candy canes for months after Christmas. Twould be interesting to see a winter where we kept the ornaments up till spring. Alas, I have a sinking feeling that I won't be able to convince the rest of the world of the glorious splendor of such an idea. Something to think about though.
LifestyleFeb 22, 2018
Where Have the Christmas Lights Gone?
A lament on our cultures insistence on taking down Christmas ornaments before March.