No where!
As we all know finals are less then a month away ( in case you didn't know, THIS IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL), everything seems to be spiraling out faster and faster. That essay that was due in November is not done yet but its almost thanksgiving that means November is over and there is so much chaos in your thoughts.
Step one: Remember you are not the only one going through this, (if you don't believe me go to the library and see). However, you didn't pay tuition for everybody! sit down in the library and do your work.
Step two: set short-term goals ( for the next 2 hrs,I will put my phone down and see how much you will achieve. reward= nap, we all know that's important!).
Step three: keep a clear mind, don't worry about the things you can't control YOU NO LONGER HAVE TIME TO HANG OUT! so if your friends get mad at you for not going. they are not your friends.
Step four: remember to stay hydrated and eat small healthy snacks so that you don't fall sick because you are "malnourished"
Step five: most important of all, stay strong, internalize the positive things around you, and remember, it is never that serious.