Recently, I've gone crazy over how little mannered some people are. I know I'm not the most well-mannered person, but it's the basic manners that people are forgetting about.
Did you know having good manners could help you in the future? When you have good manners, you become a more presentable and respectful person. People will notice you more which could help you succeed in the future.
Remember to say please and thank you! Be courteous. It takes less than a second to add the word “please” and “thank you” in a sentence. It’s the polite thing to do.
What makes me furious is when I take the time to hold the door for others and they don’t even say thank you. Another thing, I hate when someone sees me behind them about to enter the building, and they don’t hold the door. The person is a foot away from me and can’t hold the door? To me, that’s just rude.
Say sorry and excuse me! It’s okay to make mistakes, just apologize because it's the respectful thing to do. Also, don’t push people out of the way, say excuse me.
Remember to smile at others. It’s friendlier to flash a smile at someone, rather than to look at someone with R.B.F (resting bitch face.) When you do this, you easily become more approachable and seem nice already.
Another thing that ticks me off is when people don’t respect their elders. You need to respect adults because they have more experience than you do in the world. It’s okay to voice your opinion, but not in a rude and disrespectful way.
Having good manners will make you feel good about yourself.
In the end, I’m not telling you that you have to be perfect. I’m not asking you to take your elbows off the table, even though this is a good manner. I’m just asking you to have these simple manners.
Good Manners make good first impressions.
And always treat others how you want to be treated!