I Wonder Where The Kids I Went To Middle School With Are Now | The Odyssey Online
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I Wonder Where The Kids I Went To Middle School With Are Now

What ever happened to the kid that sat behind you in 6th grade social studies?

I Wonder Where The Kids I Went To Middle School With Are Now
Wikimedia Commons

Isn't it sad we don't keep up with half the people we used to see every day? For the better part of our lives when we went all the way up through school, there were kids we knew for years by face and name, but now would hardly recognize. The other day I came across some old classmates on social media and they had definitely grown up and gone on to do all kinds of different things.

It's funny we used to sit next to each other when we were writing down what we wanted to be when we grew up, and now on the brink of being adults, we don't have the slightest clue of where these people even live. For the sake of humor, I thought it'd be entertaining to imagine where those kids we all used to know are now.

So where are they now? The kid that...

...read all the "Twilight books" during Algebra just went to the early "50 Shades" premiere with four of her best friends who are all single and convince themselves they'll find the perfect man in time for a candlelight with their sorority.

...sweat through two shirts in P.E. is now a sub for the intramural badminton team at his college and he bought a "Badminton Dad" shirt for a Father's Day gift. He's majoring in history but all he wants to do is go back to his high school and coach baseball.

...opened the jars of brains in the back of science class to smell them now has campus squirrels living in his rain boots and the storage bins his mom bought him but he never put anything useful in.

...wore wheelies and hopped curbs on his Razor scooter now balances computer tech classes with a job at a tattoo parlor that funds his vaping addiction.

...covered their ears during fire drills found a new perspective after watching "Grey's Anatomy" twice and is now in nursing school trying not to throw up in a lab, but is ready to 'push one of Epi' and move to Seattle after backpacking through Europe.

...stayed in the first square of Four Square the whole recess is a Resident Assistant and sits in the showers on Thursday nights waiting to call the police on kids that come in after Alpha Alpha Alpha's ski lodge function.

...was on the meanest lunch lady's good side and got slipped 2 Sloppy Joe's while no one was looking sent in a home-filmed video for his application on Master Chef and forgot to edit out his roommate yelling on the phone for his parents to pay his rent because he spent his allowance on a new Xbox to play Fortnite with the boys.

...picked flowers during field day now has three thousand Instagram followers thanks to her earthy aesthetic and runs a Boho shop on Etsy selling paper airplanes and dream catchers.

...whose mom was earliest in the after-school pickup line goes home every weekend and puts up a Snapchat story of her dog with her hometown filter and the caption 'It's good to be home.'

...created two clubs before the age of 14 and sat on student council every year is now running their own business, living in their own apartment, and having consults with investors on weeknights before getting to bed by 9.

...had the coolest grippies for their pencils now has the closest parking pass and drives all the moochers on campus for game days and gets stuck with ten extra people on the way home. Scratch that, to get food then drop them all off.

...dated every girl in the grade found two girls at a Halloween party that went as 'a guy's biggest fear, commitment issues' to take a picture for his Instagram. He'll wait up all night until the girl he actually liked in middle school finally likes the picture, meanwhile all his buddies are giving him high fives but making fun of him in their comments on his picture.

...learned how to do eyeliner before all the other girls has a YouTube channel about her winter haul and is trying to figure out how to be relevant all summer because she's going home but everyone else is going abroad.

...was a three-sport athlete, wore their medals to score after the big race, and had to miss the Valentine's dance for a tournament can't wake up before 8 a.m. and tweets 'Grind don't stop' during test week.

...had to carry his tuba home every Friday on the bus gets a free hot dog and Gatorade during college basketball games and gets the cool athlete backpack because he's in the jazz band and you aren't.

Sure there are countless others we can wonder about now, but bottom line is we all grow up at some point in time and become something that either does or doesn't reflect the person we used to be. And that's pretty cool and hilarious to look back on all at the same time.

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