I read an article yesterday entitled "If you're poor at 35, you deserve it!". Albeit harsh, the author, Jack Ma, lays out a very convincing argument. He talks about his internet company, Alibaba, and how his friends and family doubted that he would be successful. Now, Jack Ma is a billionaire, a man worth taking some advice from. I highly recommend reading it here . He essentially says that you should never stop trying to make your dream come true, because why would you? You can always go back to what you did before for money, and try to be successful again later. The problem lies in a quitting attitude; most people think "If at first I don't succeed, I should probably never ever try again and keep doing what I hate." Fortune favors the bold, and the bold don't quit. There are successful people in the world that are doing what they love, and they all have one thing in common; ambition.
Ambition is the engine that drives the progress of the world. Ambitious people are motivated to be successful and refuse to take no for an answer. The road is difficult, but when the dreams reach fruition the reward is well worth it. How memorable and important is the story of Grover Cleveland? Same question, except consider Teddy Roosevelt (frat star extraordinaire). Enough said.
I'm not saying be the greatest president who ever lived, just never give up on what you want to do. The greatest punishment a man can inflict on himself is spending the one life he's given on this Earth not doing what he loves. Read the article, and get inspired! Things don't just come to you in this life.