Fight as much as you want, but if the other person doesn’t return feelings, you have to give up. Sorry to disappoint, but there is no foolproof way to get someone back.
If you look up how to get someone back, it is filled with manipulative things to do or certain messages to send. This just doesn't feel right to me. Of course, you will feel like you have to try, and you should. But, there comes a point when you have to stop fighting. One of the most common ways websites say to get someone back is to remind them of your old memories. One website suggests wearing an old outfit they used to like, or taking them to a place the two of you used to go. There are so many other suggestions for how you can '"make him realize what he lost, but “making him want you back” is manipulative and unhealthy. If your ex has made it clear they do not want to be in a relationship with you, at some point you have to accept it.
Now I know this is much harder said than done, but it is possible. My last boyfriend and I started dating during the second semester of my senior year of high school. When we first started realizing we had feelings for one another, we were both extremely hesitant to get involved. With college coming, we didn’t know what to do. Should we start a new relationship with college only a few months away? Or do we just remain casual? He was actually the one who was convinced it would be fine. I kept trying to walk away, but he told me that we should enjoy our time before college and figure it out when August came.
Well, August came, and things ended, just like I was afraid of. I went through the stage of a willingness to try anything to get them to care for you again. I would lie awake at night, thinking of him, and hoping we'd be together again soon. But he didn’t want that, and he made it clear. Eventually, I realized there was nothing I could do, and I had to give up. I fought for almost a month before I realized I was being selfish. He didn’t want us back, and I had to accept that.
I know it’s hard, but eventually, you have to give up and move on. Things ended for a reason, and there is someone out there who will treat you better than your ex ever did.