There are times in our life where we find ourselves "going through something". Whether it be a loss of a job, loss of a person, or life has simply given you one too many rainy days, we all hit that wall that we feel like we're never going to get over. However, our genetics have given us legs to climb, they've given us arms to grab and pull, so in the long run, we'll likely be able to get over that wall.
During these times, we often feel our worth has been diminished, where our light has burnt out, where we feel like the ship has sailed and there is nothing left to do but float in the ocean. It's okay to feel like that. I won't take that away from you, because it is okay to feel like that. But it's important to remember waves pass, and every ocean leads back to shore.
I think we really forget how amazing we are. We take for granted the things that we have inside of ourselves, like the very simple fact that we can breathe. That air comes in and out of body, into our lungs, our blood stream, into our entire being, just by taking one simple breath. Your body is capable of really amazing things.
You eyes can perceive about 7,000,000 million colors. Your body can produce 25 million new cells each second. This is what you are doing by simply existing, by simply being a person on this Earth; your body has given you the ability to do things we don't even think twice about.
That wall doesn't seem so big when we think of all the things we do on a daily basis just by sitting down, but we have to remember something so much more important than that. Life is not a schedule, there are no rules here. You get to do whatever you want. You get to be whoever you want. Some may say that it is not that simple. You can't just wake up and decide to be an entirely different person, but I ask: Why not?
Why can't you wake up and decide the life you want to live? Why are you so scared? When did you stop believing in yourself? Your body is constantly evolving on a physical level, so why not evolve on a mental level? Do not let this wall defeat you. Do not hold back who you are and who you want to be. Hang in there, because you may have hit a wall, but you sure as hell know how to climb it.