College is supposedly the “best four years of your life." It’s a time filled with so many new experiences, new friends, and absolutely no sleep. You are finally on your own, living independently from your family, and doing things for you.
The phrase “time flies when you’re having fun” could not fit more perfectly in this situation. I have met the most incredible people who have made my college experience one for the books, and I cannot believe we have one more year. It is hard to believe that I am even writing this in the first place, since it feels like just yesterday I joined this Odyssey team, as a freshman in college.
There are a many emotions that arise when someone brings up that you are now a senior in college though...
The scariest part about it all is when people start asking how it feels. Uh, I don't know, is there a distinct feeling I am supposed to have?
Because the initial emotion I feel is definitely ill, very ill. I literally feel sick just thinking about it.
Then, the next emotion kicks in, and that’s just the simple feeling of complete shock. How am I this old?
Next, I am straight up terrified. I know I am an adult, but I don’t even know how to do my own taxes.
Then, I get a little sentimental. This school has really shaped me into who I am, and I have had the best professors, made the best friends, and leaving feels so unnatural.
For the last three years, I have lived in this town for eight months out of the year, met and became such good friends with the people here, and learned so much in my major. I have been in this bubble for so long, and it seems so surreal that soon that bubble is going to burst.
I don’t think these were the best four years of my life at all because I know that it can only go up from here.
So, here’s to my senior year, and whatever the future holds.