For those fortunate few who have a freakishly great relationship with their parents, the obsession goes from slight to extreme real quick. Soon everything becomes about them and their happiness. As it should be:
1. You're home almost every weekend.
2. You crash their date nights.
And (most of the time) they're okay with it.
3. You take all their candids for Facebook.
Because they're more photogenic than you anyways.
4. You still ask them for permission to do things.
I know I can go, but do you want me to? I could just stay home.
5. Choosing a school came down to which one was closer to home.
10 minutes max. Driving distance is a major key.
LOL Dad you're totally gunna regret those snap stories tomorrow.
7. You D.D. for them on weekends just to make sure they're safe
"Yeah, I'll be up past Midnight. Call me and I'll come get you."
8. You ask their opinion on everything.
Because their approval is necessary.
9. Shopping with them and for them is your favorite pastime.
"I know I'm broke but they would love this."
10. You know in your heart they're a lot cooler than you.
11. You call them more times a day then when you did when you were a kid.
"Hey Mom, just calling to see how your day is goin'. Wanna get lunch?"
12. You know you're the luckiest kid in the world.
And nothing can change that.
Shout out to you Mom and Dad, you rock my world.