My name is Colleen Houston, and I hate hugs. In fact, ask any of my friends, and they will attest to me ducking, spin moving (is that a word..?), and running away from them when they try to hug me. Now I probably sound like an emotionless robot when I say this, but I just don't like hugs, and here's why:
I enjoy my personal space.
photo courtesy of imgur
Yes, I get that hugs are meant to show love, affection, etc. Call me crazy, but I don't like people getting too close to me... I mean, what's wrong with a handshake or a hand hug..?
photo courtesy of tumblr
I express my emotions in other ways.
photo courtesy of pinterest
Hugging is a great way to show someone you care about them, but why not just say it? Do you really have to touch me to convey your feelings towards me? The answer is no.
I just don't like them.
photo courtesy of twitter
We all have our quirks, and hating hugs is one of mine. I don't know what it is about hugs, but I'm just not a fan. I will happily do this instead of hugging you:
photo courtesy of thegloss
So the next time you feel the need to hug me, please don't, I will duck and run away from you. Don't take it personally.