There are those in this world who have no problem eating right and exercising. They love green vegetables and early morning jogging, and they would never look twice at a double fudge brownie. Then there are others (like me) who look at these people and say "how??" It's not that we're unhealthy, but there are definitely some struggles that come when you're not good at being fit.
1. When you realize it's time for your eating and exercise habits should change for the better.
Three Dr Peppers a day is probably excessive.
2. Trying to motivate yourself to work out.
Because whether you like it or not, it needs to happen.
3. The first day you go to the gym.
Where do I even start??
4. When the spin class instructor says to "kick it up a notch."
You can't tell me what to do, Becky.
5. Walking out of the gym like.
Why does no one else look as tired as you feel?
6. Waking up sore the day after you work out.
Celebrate your hard work out by not moving at all the next day.
7. Refusing to compromise on your favorite foods (even though you probably should).
Anything's fine in moderation, right?
8. When someone mentions kale.
Just stop with the kale.
9. When you stay strong and eat a salad, even though you really wanted a cheeseburger.
The regret is too real.
10. And when you finally start to see progress.
So dang FIT.
Stay strong, you lazy bums. You can do it!