Being from New England is great. We have great sports teams, great vacation spots and all around a homey feel. But there is a silent minority of people who reside in New England who really would rather not deal with the cold weather. I identify with this silent minority.
Stepping outside on the first day that is below 50 degrees feels like.
All of your friends think you're crazy when you bundle up before going out.
You insist that they're the crazy ones. How are they okay going out in just a light fleece?
When you step out of a nice hot shower into the ice box that is the rest of your bathroom.
When the first snowfall happens and you're walking to class wondering why it hasn't been cancelled.
How dare the school make you venture out in this horrid weather.
And no matter what you do you're always cold.
You just have to bundle up and hope for the best.
There aren't enough sweaters in the world to warm your cold heart and hatred for winter.
No matter how many years you've lived in New England there's never enough time to make you a pro at the cold weather. I have lived in New England all of my life and every winter I wonder why I don't move to Hawaii. I constantly remind myself of all the perks of living in New England and why I love it and want to stay. However I will never get used to the horrible season that is winter.