When your significant other is in school and just so happens to be an education major, there are pros and cons that come with it. I can tell you from experience, that my boyfriend is a real trooper for dealing with my constant crafting, planning, coloring, and critical tasks. He also thinks that I color in school and the amount of field work I have is ridiculous, but on a serious note, this is what it's like to date one of us.
We come home from school TIRED after being in class, going to tutor or do field work in schools, and then go to our ACTUAL job.. So, dinner may be on you and don't expect too much from us after a day that we've been going from 6:30 AM to 10 PM because it does happen.
Our cars may not be the cleanest. Actually, I know at least from my experience, my car is a constant hot mess from having my book bags, my school tote, my tutoring tote, and I have board games, construction paper, name tags and other things in my trunk. I also have my lunch box and my iced coffee and monster in my cup holders. It's probably going to get worse and we should probably take your vehicle if you want to go grocery shopping since there's more room.
The amount of "Teacher clothes" that we buy, may be kind of ridiculous. I know when I started going to field work every day I had to build up a closet of dresses, dress shoes, dress pants, and blouses. You can't wear jeans and you can't wear the same thing every day. So money well spent, right?
If you're dating an EARLY CHILDHOOD MAJOR, your significant other is probably a child whisperer. Kids love them including your siblings and the random children that wave to him or her at the store. Just expect for them to wave back and talk about how cute they are!
We also judge parenting hardcore in any public place we go to. You may hear us say "she could've handled that better" or "poor baby." I know I'm constantly thinking about the milestones of the child and what is DEVELOPMENTALLY APPROPRIATE for that age.
The office may not be enough space, actually, it's not enough. I also take over the coffee table, the living room floor and the kitchen table. Sorry not sorry. I have a lot of things and bags.
Speaking of bags, you probably know of Thirty One or Vera Bradley. Because their bags are on our Christmas lists and Birthday lists... Or in our car... Or on the kitchen table.
You may ask us a question and get a 20-minute long lesson about why the word "Speak" is spelled the way it is or why the common core math is important or why all students should have the opportunity to learn no matter what diversity they may have. NCLB guys.
Your significant other may have accidentally asked you if you needed to "go potty" or yelled at you and told you that "you need to use your words."
If you're dating a SPECIAL EDUCATION MAJOR, you may get into debates since the person is accepting of every diversity.. But honestly, it's okay because you don't have to agree with everything or have the same views.. Just accept that your amazing significant other does. OR you might have a tired significant other when they get home because of the amount of field work, break downs in classes from students, and critical tasks that have to be done. Writing IEPs and just doing critical tasks in general is exhausting.
You will learn names of kids and know exactly who they are just from the crazy stories that are told. When your significant other comes home from their day and says "Bobby was really on one today." You'll know he is the one who may have been challenging in the past.
But even after all the quirks we have, working with students is so fulfilling and you're dating someone that cares a lot about children and making lessons fun. You're dating an awesome person who has an enormous heart.