We lived together for two years. Freshman year and Sophomore year. We were super close and I knew I could go to her for anything (especially food, she were always prepared). Then end of Sophomore year one day, I was in our room and she came in and were really upset, I asked what's wrong, and you told me you were transferring. I was shocked, I mean she talked to me about it in like September, but it was April.
It was the best decision for her. There is no doubt about that at all. But that doesn't mean that we didn't miss living together and seeing eachother every day.
Now, lets flash forward. It is now the semester after she transferred. After literally trying to find a time for her to come up all semester, it finally works out. She comes up the last weekend of the semester. She finally gets here and, surprise surprise, it as if she has been here all semester. You automatically click and go on about what has been happening since you last seen eachother, which is ironic cause you talk almost every day.
Then you slide back into doing what you use to, saying hi to all the other people you were both friends with, who all say it is a flash back to when you both lived together. Which it really was.Then you sit on the couch and watch a bunch of movies (one comedy and three rom coms to be exact) in one hour and just BS while you complain about life till 6am.
When you go to school close to the city like I do, you obviously take a trip to the city and do all the things you always talked about doing, but never did cause you lived together. And, if you are anything like me and my old roommate, you miss 4 trains in one day. But you enjoy every minute of it.
Then she has to leave, and it is weird. Because even though she has been there for only a few days, it feels like she was always there. But you say goodbye, then reflect about how much you actually miss freshman year and sitting in your Residence Hall with all your friends randomly just walking into your room. When you weren't stressed about finals and making sure you were taking enough credits to be the correct year.
But then you know you got to study cause it's finals week, yet you don't regret not studying all weekend because it was a great weekend, and you miss her.
Freshman Year: Move in Day (first day we met)
Junior Year: Saturday