Most people, rightfully so, share an incredible bond with their mother. Mothers are among the first to hold us, feed and clothe us, and teach us during formative years. We literally wouldn’t exist without them. While it is valuable that our parents give us the gift of life, I truly appreciate my own mother for the gift of her friendship.
When your mother is your best friend, it means always having someone to vent to. She stays up for hours listening to unreasonable complaints and ridiculous amounts of whining. After the rant session (during which, she is always on your side), she offers sound advice. Having a best friend who has lived long enough to obtain a vast amount of wisdom is incredibly convenient.
When your mother is your best friend, you can be certain that her advice is always helpful. It comes from an honest place because she always wishes for you to succeed. She may not always say the things that you want to hear, but you know deep-down that you need to hear it.
When your mother is your best friend, you can brag about your accomplishments all that you want. She supports you and is dying to hear more about the goals you set and how you plan to accomplish them. You can boast – judgment free! Basically, whenever you need an ego-boost, she’ll remind you of how great you are.
When your mother is your best friend, you will always have someone by your side. If you find yourself alone or if your friends flake, you can always bet that your mother will be there, whether it be physically or in spirit. She will be available to offer emotional support during the hard days and crack a few jokes to lift your spirit. Whether you need a lunch date or a buddy to binge-watch Netflix with, you can count on her to give you her time.
She knows almost everything about you. She’s known you from day one, which means she understands you better than anybody. In most cases, your mother knows who you are when you’re not trying to impress anyone. You never have to pretend to be cooler or funnier or more interesting than you already are. Just the fact that you exist makes you perfect in her book. You can let your guard down and truly be yourself. While she may correct you or give some harsh criticism, you can be sure that it is entirely out of love. As you grow and mature, you will meet some amazing people. These new friends are so vital your life, but always remember that your mother is your first friend.
“Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver and the other, gold.” If your mother is gold, don’t ever forget it.