For those who don't know, Dr. Gary Chapman's theory of the 5 love languages describes specific ways in which people interpret affection. Some people prefer words of affirmation, while others prefer acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, or physical touch. If your love language is physical touch, life can be interesting. The following Adventure Time gifs illustrate the experiences of those of us whose love language is touch.
1. When your friends assume that you need to be squished as a sign of friendship at all times
Too much affection. TOO MUCH. We sometimes need our personal space, just like everyone else. We also need oxygen.
2. When you're feeling lonely and no one's paying attention.
That weird sense that you need someone to high-five you or pat you on the shoulder or something, just to confirm you belong.
3. When your friend realizes you're going through a rough time.
Nothing says "I'm here for you" quite like a well-timed hug. It reaches out to you from beyond the sadness and reminds you that happiness still exists.
4. When you high-five people far more often than anyone (including yourself, in retrospect) thinks necessary.
They aced a test? High-five. They made a really beautiful-looking sandwich? High-five. You're happy to see them? High-five.
5. Some days, there's just too much emotion contained within your soul.
God bless your friends for taking care of you when your significant other isn't around. They put up with your aimless huggy-ness like absolute champions.
6. When all these people who barely know each other are running around hugging everyone, and you can't figure out what to make of it.
Imagine if the phrase "I love you" meant "hello" to everyone else. You know why everyone runs around saying "I love you" to whoever they see, but you can't quite feel normal about doing the same. That's why hugging people we don't know very well can be so weird for us.
7. When your significant other holds your hand.
You could spend the whole day thinking about how nice it was to hold their hand. They have good hands for holding. It was a good day.
8. When you try to explain your love language and get overwhelmed.
I am overwhelmed, and must seek friends to hug.