Here comes a day when we all turn the ever-anticipated 18 years old, but when it comes time for a younger sibling to turn 18, then that's a different story. As my only younger sister enters adulthood this week, I wanted to congratulate her, but also offer her some advice.
Dear baby sister,
You're tuning 18 this week! Happy birthday and congratulations on finally becoming an adult! I still can't believe it, and I know mom can't even more. It seems like you were just 10, and then entering middle school, and then entering high school. I know you've been looking forward to it for a while, but as you'll find out, it's not necessarily all it's cracked up to be. Having been an adult for almost four years now, I want to offer you some of my advice on things I've learned so far.
Even though you're now a legal adult, that doesn't mean that you're completely independent yet. Mom and dad still pay for almost everything of yours, well except for gas maybe, I'm assuming, take advantage of that. Once you get to college, you'll have to pay for everything by yourself, except for when they come to visit. So when they do come to visit, take advantage of that. Take them grocery shopping with you, so they can help you pay for at least some of your groceries/cosmetics/everyday needs and ease your burden some. Even if they go without you having to ask them, be grateful to them for it, because they aren't required to do anything to help you at that point.
I know you're going to Michigan next year, but you may come to find that you don't really like it there/you don't enjoy it, you haven't made many friends, you'd prefer to be a name, rather than a number in class, or any other reason. Know that you can always transfer, even in the middle of the school year. I know plenty of people who were completely unsatisfied with going to big state schools, so they wanted something smaller and a better community, even from schools much bigger and better than Michigan; I'm even living with two of those people. It's ok if you do decide to transfer out, but if you do decide to, do it earlier rather than later, because you may end up having to stay an extra semester or year to fulfill all your requirements.
Again, happy birthday, and I hope you have an amazing 18th! Sto lat! I love you, and I only want the best for you. I know me not being able to be home for your last two years of high school is tough, on you and on me, but know I am always a phone call away when you just want to talk. I want to have a relationship with you, I want to be closer to my only sister, I'm open to you to talk about anything from good grades to heartbreaks. Don't hesitate to contact me with anything. Also know that I pray for you multiple times a day, for God to reveal his plan to you and lead you on the right path.
Your big sister
P.S. When you get closer to starting college, I may offer you some advice on surviving college, so stay tuned.