To the co-worker who became my best friend,
If you asked me two years if I thought we'd be friends, I'd probably say no. I remember the first day I met you, it was nothing more than a simple hello. All we did during our shifts was pass each other and say hello every once in awhile.
But truth be told, I am so lucky to have met you. You have become one of the closest people in my life. You mean the absolute world to me. At first I was a little intimidated by you. I always thought you didn't like me.
A few months passed and we started seeing a whole lot more of each other. We spend our long 8-hour shifts together. Things still felt awkward as anything, with some tension between the two of us. I don't know how it happened but it slowly started that we became close. We started to text each other every day. All we ever talked about was work. Eventually it turned into talking about everything. Hanging out outside of work is awesome too. I am also super excited for the fun plans we have coming up.
I want to thank you though. You are someone who is interested in what is going on in my life. You are just as equally excited, sad or mad at the things I share with you. Thank you for always listening to my complaints about work, life, school, boys and everything in between that.
Coming into work knowing I get to see you, just makes work so much easier for me. Even when the babies are grumpy and we are having a bad day, we always make the best of it together. Over the past few months, we have become a dynamic duo. You are one of the very few people I can tolerate working with. We have such an amazing bond and routine, I could never trade for anything or anyone. No one could ever come in and replace the friendship and workmanship that you and I have shared.
My days at work are the best when you are there. I mean who else am I going to try baby food with? It's crazy how I can just look over at you, and you're already looking at me with the same look. It's like we read each other's minds.
Also, thank you for being someone who loves food just as much as I do. There's nothing better than good food along with some good company, at any hour of the day. Who else is going to eat spinach dip and chips with me at 10 a.m.? Probably no one. I am so glad, we have the bond that we share.
Most importantly, thank you for being you. You are such an amazing person on the inside and out. I consider myself lucky to spend my work days with you. I consider my work days great even on the bad days, just because I get to spend them with you. Thank you for being more than a co-worker to me, but a best friend. I love you.
Your best work friend