You go through friendships in life, some people stay in it, others don't. But through all the friendships, you'll have very few people you could call your best friend. They will see you at your worst, at your best, and just about every emotion in between, and somehow, they'll stick by you. That's what Jon and I have been to each other for the past 15 years. When he told me freshman year that he was joining up with ROTC, I figured it was just an excuse for him to shoot guns and wear a cool uniform. Then he told me he was enlisting... and now here we are, almost two years after he made the decision. Since he's coming home soon, I felt it was appropriate to write this article.
So, this is what happens when your best friend is in the military.
1. When you realize they're leaving you soon.
2. How you feel when they leave for basic training.
Don't even deny it... you may hide it on the inside, but you're a mess when they leave.
3. When you realize you don't have 24/7 access to them anymore
4. When you get your first letter from them.
5. When they graduate from basic.
6. When they come home.
7. When you don't have much time so you have to pack in as much fun as possible.
8. When they have to leave again.
9. When they get their phone back and you can actually communicate.
10. When you hear someone disrespecting the military.
Don't even try to start something... this will happen every time.
11. When you get to see how much they achieve in life.
Having a loved one in the military is never easy. You'll have nights where you worry about them, miss them, and just about every emotion possible. But just remember that they are out there doing what they love, and that will make everything hurt a little less.
God Bless our men and women who serve our country with courage and honor.