Coffee. Growing up, it was a drink only grownups liked. I always wondered what it tasted like and in middle school, I had a Starbucks caramel frappuccino for the first time. It was like a milkshake and it was sheer heaven. Then I went on a camping trip and had real coffee for the first time. I felt like such an adult having a cup of black coffee made in a percolator, not a blender.
And I hated it.
I had no idea that this was the base for the whipped cream, caramelly, treat I loved to have all the time. I told myself that if this was real coffee, I would never be a coffee drinker.
I was wrong.
When I started working at the Athens Y Camps, 24-hour supervision and entertaining of children sent me crawling to the coffeepot every morning. I learned to love it for the energy and the taste grew on me. Now I'm an avid coffee drinker and think it's fair to say that I've witnessed many characteristics of coffee lovers and can name some that all have:
1. You Love Collecting Mugs
More mugs=more coffee right? Never have to worry about running about clean cups. Plus, they can be just so darn cute!
2. You Consider Yourself a "Coffee Expert"
More like a coffee snob. I'm guilty of this when I refer to those frappuccinos I used to love as "desert coffee" and only prefer to drink "real coffee"
3. You Love This Scene in "Monsters University"
Correction: This is your favorite character in the entire movie.
4. The Smell of Coffee is Perfection
When you go the perfume store, you go straight for the coffee beans.
5. You Relate to Dexter's Parents
I forget that at one point in my life I could relate to Dee-Dee and Dexter.
6. You Want a Coffee Themed Gift Basket So Bad
You pray that one year you'll get one of these at the Christmas party and not another pack of candy with an iTunes gift card taped to it.
7. You Love Reading About Anything Coffee-Related
Oh, there's an article about the how to find the perfect grind for your coffee maker? Well, after I order this picture as a poster to go on my wall I will have to read up on that.
8. One Cup Ain't Enough
One cup WAS once enough but that was a long. . . long. . . time ago
9. Jokes Like This Crack You Up
Saw something like this in a Starbucks the other day. I wish I had taken a picture.
10. Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans Are the Best
I had these in a trail mix one time and I've been hooked ever since.
11. You Mark Your Calendar
This is a day where freebies are available at places like Krispy Kreme, Dunkin Donuts, Peet's Coffee, and deals at other coffee-famous shops. Why isn't school and work canceled on this great holiday?