Having a roommate is one of those things that can either go really well, or really bad. There is no in-between. Thankfully for me, my roommate is my best friend; we spend almost every second together and I wouldn't have it any other way. I hope you're as lucky as I am.
Warning: If you live with your BFF, you will be able to relate to each of these on a scary, personal level.
After a bad night out:
When you see them hanging out with someone else:
When you hear them leaving in the middle of the night:
When they bring up the boy that you're trying to forget exists:
When they ask why you're awake at 5 AM:
When you try to be social but realize you only like each other:
Anytime they aren't at home:
When they've had a bad day:
or maybe sometimes it's not chocolate......
No matter the small arguments or the silly decisions you make together, nothing could never break your bond. At the end of the day, living together is the most fun thing you've ever done and she will always be your best friend.