It doesn't always happen, trust me but sometimes you're lucky and are happy with the place you work. The hours are enough to support you financially but not ruin your social life, your coworkers are friendly and make the hours speed by, and your bosses are kind and understanding. You will be employed by a company that supports your success and wants to see you succeed in your endeavors.
I am lucky. I love my job well my job until the tenth of May. I am able to come into work without dread because I know I will come into an environment that I am respected for my abilities and hard work. I know that when I arrive I will be greeted with genuine smiles and heartfelt questions about my day.Even the lucky people have a bad streak. On the tenth I will say goodbye to my work family but not like I have in the past. For the past 2 years, I would move home for breaks and then start back at work when classes started. This time though when I leave it is over.
Now, I have left jobs before, 2 of them to be exact and those were easy to leave. Those jobs were dreadful and made me sick to my stomach thinking about going to work. I had no personal growth at those jobs and my coworkers drained me mentally and emotionally.This time is different and although I know I will cry (I am an overly emotional person) I know that I have spent that last 2 years learning, growing, and being respected. I know that when I walk away from this job that I will be wiser than when I walked in the door for my interview. I have developed real world skills and have learned lessons from people who have walked paths differently than mine. Leaving is bittersweet because I know what stands before me in terms of success but I also recognize the family I am leaving behind.
So thank you to the job who helped shape me into the strong, young woman I am now.