Sometimes it’s more than difficult for us girls to cut the string on a relationship that just is NOT reaching our standards. Here are a few ways to know it’s time:
1. When…. he can’t commit
There’s nothing worse than a boy who can’t commit to you. All that tells us is that he DOESN’T CARE.
2. When… you’re not a priority
But there is one thing worse! How hard is it to text back? Really? You’re sitting in your basement playing Xbox for God’s sake.
3. When… he doesn’t know how to treat his family
There’s really nothing worse than a boy who doesn’t cherish his family because what does that mean for you...?
4. When… it’s too toxic
If all you do is fight and basically never have fun, CYA.
5. When… you aren’t comfortable with him
If you can’t talk about your most embarrassing moments or what you love and what you hate, he’s not the one.
6. When… he doesn’t pay attention to you
If you’ve been together for a while and he still doesn’t even know your favorite color, really, what do you see in him?
7. When… his friends are more important
It’s never a good thing if he’s stiffing your plans for another “bro’s night” (and by bro’s night, I mean drinking and drinking and most likely talking about girls).
8. When… he doesn’t take care of himself
Come on. This one’s easy. If he can’t shower and wash his hair and shave his beard once in a while, that’s just gross.
9. When… he doesn’t care about school
This right here is a BIG one. He clearly doesn’t care much about his future, so what does that tell you?
If you can tell right from the start that there is absolutely no way in hell that you could see yourself with this guy for a long time, END IT. Chances are, it ain’t happening.