The first few weeks coming back home after going to school upstate are weird. There's this odd 'which is "home"' feeling. At school, changes were made to fit into the flow of things, and now at home, it's time to adjust back to the person you were.
1. Your accent is mid-transition
Not only does your mother not recognize your voice anymore, but people might actually ask if you're from around here. You know that you're "on" Long Island, but the way you say "happy" or words with a similar "a" sound don't sound exactly like they used to. You say Long Island, and Rochester like a true native. Native to where though?
2. You wait at crosswalks to cross unintentionally.
And at school you cross in the middle of the road. There's different codes of courtesy depending on where you are. Like on Long Island there are none, and you own the road. Your friends might ask why you're going out of your way to do the "right thing."
3. The weather is way too warm
It's been about 10-30 degrees for a couple weeks now at school, and you're back home and people are wearing winter coats in 40 degree weather. The "bad snow conditions" mean that the sidewalks haven't been plowed or melted yet, but you know that the roads at school have been iced over for days.
4. All your clothing is mixed up.
One of your favorite shoes are at school, but you just found that sweater you've been looking for for months. Everything is in one place or another and you can't seem to remember where you left it.
5. No one understands your appetite.
Your semi-craving a garbage plate after a night out with friends. When they ask you about it, and you explain your food choice, they look at you like you have three heads and should be 500 pounds.
6. Your family doesn't understand why you're awake at 3 AM but sleeping at 11.
Finals schedule man.
7. Everywhere is so crowded.
Why are there so many damn people every where? On the roads, in the mall, it never ends.
8. You haven't run into your college friends by accident anywhere.
That's because they all live in the middle of no where and you won't see them for a month.
9. Finals are still horrifying but you're ready to go back to school.
Home was nice for a few days, but please send me back.
Tis the season of awkward encounters with people you graduated with, and sleeping until noon!