We all have times in our life that stump us, trip us up and we just don't feel like us anymore. It is a weird feeling for sure but I've tried different things to get out of a rut and they seem to have worked.
There is always going to come a time when we don't feel right or we've just lost a lot of hope and faith in ourselves. Or, things can just seem to get a bit gloomy sometimes, whether it's at work or with career aspirations, in school, in a relationship (whether it’s dating or with a friendship), whether it’s with parents or finances.
1. Think about every little blessing, every single good thing in your life.
Run to those thoughts when your first response is to think negatively.
2. Everything happens for a reason.
While it may seem that everything is crumbling, God is going to use those pieces to make something so beautiful and we have no idea that it’s coming. We can’t see the big picture, only He can, that’s why He’s so great.
3. When you feel alone, there are so so SO many people around you that are ready to embrace you.
When you’re in a dark place it’s hard to see the light outside, but it’s there and it’s ready those dark places in your life. Friends are so special, so don’t neglect them.
4. As I get older, I’ve found myself confiding in my parents a lot more. You should, too, if you can.
They’ve watched me grow and still want the best for me, so as I continue to navigate through these college years, I’ll still seek their guidance.
5. Go out instead of staying in.
6. Follow what your heart tells you.
Just do it. Go for it. If you want to do something, then do what you have to do, never live with regrets.
Take time to count the good and let it out way the bad. It’s hard to think about it that way sometimes but just remember it will get better.