I'm only 19. My hometown has been cursed with lives being taken too soon. I've lost friends and family, and there is nothing that can compare to the pain and grief of losing someone.
When someone passes away, it's like a little bit of light from the world goes with them. Like the world gets a little bit dimmer. It's like a little piece of your heart gets taken away and you can't get it back. When you lose someone that has made such an incredible influence on your life, it's like part of your happiness was taken away. All that you're left with is the memories that you got to create with this person.
I know sometimes we don't understand why someone is taken too soon from us. I don't know if you all are believers but I am. And I think that God just decides that they've done all they could for this earth and that they've impacted all the lives that they could, even if we don't agree. Even with that mindset, I still don't understand when someone is taken from this earth. I just recently lost a friend who would fill up a room with happiness just from her smile. She could make anyone laugh on a bad day and cheer anyone up if they were sad. She was an inspiration to everyone and impacted the lives and changed the hearts of everyone she met. I will never understand why God took such a genuine person so soon, but He did. Sometimes I guess He just needs them more in heaven than we do down here on earth. And it sucks. God does it suck. Because the ones that are usually taken from us are so much better people than we are. I know I feel that way sometimes, I especially did when Taylor was taken from this world.
It's a hard thing to say goodbye to someone. It's kind of like a nightmare that you can't wake up from. You say goodbye and then that's it. You're left to cope with the thought of not seeing them in the hallways or in classes, and you're left to grieve their absence. You cry and then you try and get through another day. Another day without them.
My heart goes out to all who have lost someone and I hope that God finds you some peace soon.
RIP Angel, we'll see you again soon.