My Dad and I just had a birthday...together. I was born on his birthday, and that's pretty cool. His mom and her dad also shared a birthday. I guess it just runs in the family! From sharing your cake to finding that perfect card, if you share a birthday with your parent you know how special, and crazy, it can be.
1. All cake decisions must be made jointly
Well...sort of...
2. You have recently (jokingly) threatened your parent with princess birthday cake
3. You have the same zodiac sign so you're hard headed in the same ways
But you have also been caught scheming together. What? We didn't do anything!
4. You were their birthday gift the year you were born...
5. And you have tried to recycle yourself as a gift because you can't come up with another idea
Let's just stick that bow on my head and recycle me for every holiday. I'm the best present ever anyway, right?
5. Your parent spends a lot of their own birthdays chaperoning your parties
6. When you tell people you two share a birthday, this is their reaction:
Wait, wait, wait. Really??? That is so cool! But see this look of fear in my eyes, that's because I'm afraid I might forget, and only remember one of your birthdays.
7. No card ever adequately describes the situation.
9. That one time you weren't together on your birthday and it was the weirdest day ever
Wait, what do I do?
10. It gets hard to sneak around and figure out gifts when there's two people to buy for
Uh oh, I've been caught
11. You two are the only people allowed to pick on each other the whole day
But seriously, stop shoving cake in my face now.
12. Sharing your birthday makes it so much more special
Here, I'll even share OUR cake with you!