The past fifteen or so years have been filled with an endless abyss of social media and online dating platforms:MySpace, Twitter, Instagram, Tinder, Bumble, etc. Some have failed, some have succeeded, and some are still in the works. People use social media for all reasons, but universally people use it as a source of entertainment. One, in particular, has been around for awhile and does not seem to be fading, and that is Facebook. So why am I talking about Facebook? Well, that would be because I want to mention one particular kind of person that uses Facebook, and they are moms.
When you have a Facebook mom, you can never seem to get her attention when she is on her phone.
The younger generation that has grown up on technology has learned to multitask while on their phones. They can carry on a full and meaningful conversation, all while scrolling through Instagram pictures. However, moms cannot do this so well. No matter how many times you call her name or wave your hands trying to get her attention, you always get the same kind of response. "Hold on, I'm busy," or "just give me a second."
When you have a Facebook mom, you always wake up to a notification, saying your mom tagged you in something.
Sometimes the things you get tagged in have absolutely nothing to do with you, but your mom still wanted to make sure you would see it. And then, she'll ask you in person if you saw it.. just to make sure.
When you have a Facebook mom (and you are in college), you will always see that your mom wrote a sentimental post about how much she misses you.
Sometimes it will be just a regular status, or it will be a collage of all your baby photos. You'll laugh about it at first, but then you'll realize that you miss her (and her random Facebook posts) too.
When you have a Facebook mom, she'll brag about you in her daily status.
This is actually one of the best things about having a Facebook mom, because honestly who doesn't like when their mom is proud of them? You are guaranteed a birthday post every year, a graduation post, a prom post, or any other post you can think of for a special occasion. And most of the time, you will get notifications from other moms commenting on your mom's status wishing you a happy birthday or a congratulations. Sometimes it's people you do not even know, but hey, still a nice thing of them to do!
Now you can laugh and tease your mom for being a Facebook mom, but at the end of the day, you love her, and you wouldn't trade her for any other mom in the world!