Everyone has grandparents, that much is a given. How close a person is with their grandparents is another story. There are some people who see their grandparents once a year, twice if they’re lucky. There are so people who don’t see them at all, just know that they are alive living somewhere in Florida. Some people grow up with their grandparents, I was fortunate enough to be one of the latter. When I was born, I was given a Poppy. As I have grown, I have come to realize all the amazing things that come along with having a Poppy, the blessings that having a Poppy has.
When you give a girl a Poppy, you give her a best friend. You give her someone to spend countless hours with while her parents are at work. Someone to run complain too when her parents just aren’t getting her. You give her someone to talk to, you give her her very first friend, her very first relationship.
When you give a girl a Poppy, you give her a teacher. You give her the person that will spend hours trying to teacher her how to cast a fishing line, you give her someone who teaches her the best ways to annoy anyone that comes in contact with her. You give her someone who will eventually teach her how to drive, attempt to teacher her how to drive a standard (still not sure how to do this one, but we’re trying), and someone to show her how to change her oil. You give her someone that teachers her the meaning of love, teaches her patience (again, still working on that one, for both of us), and someone that teaches her how to be an independent woman.
When you give a girl a Poppy, you give her her own personal photographer, someone who will waste hundreds of hours of recording film just to capture her singing in the bath tub and sounding like total crap. You give her someone who appreciates her beauty, and captures every second of her life when he is present. You give a girl confidence, because if her Poppy says it, it must be true.
When you give a girl a Poppy, you give her a shoulder to cry on, someone to listen to her endless worries, someone who will hold her when she is sad. You give her a support unit that is as strong as any unit could ever be, one that is unbreakable.
When you give a girl a Poppy, you are giving her a gift that not everyone has access too. You are giving her someone extremely special, someone who will assist her in growing, learning, and living. When you give a girl a Poppy, you are giving her every possibility to be a good person, to be the best person possible. When you give a girl a Poppy, you are giving her more than just a grandparent.