When you give a girl opportunities...
She will strive for greatness - she won't just settle for "average".
When you give a girl opportunities...
She will not squander them - she will nurture them and build upon them.
When you give a girl opportunities...
She will create a better future for herself - she will see her worth.
When you give a girl opportunities...
She will rise above those who told her she was not enough - she will prove those people wrong.
When you give a girl opportunities...
You are giving her the basic human rights she so deserves.
Equal pay for those who identify as female should not be something we have to fight for. Sexism in professional and casual settings should not exist and should not be taken lightly. Young girls attending school should not be chastised for their clothing choice - their shoulders, legs, breasts, BODIES... should not be sexualized by the adults around them. You tell me it is inappropriate for my bra strap to be showing? I will not wear one. You tell me it is inappropriate for me to not wear a bra because the existence of two lumps of flesh and fat on my body offends you? I do not agree. I do, however, believe it is inappropriate for you to be sexualizing my body FOR me.
GIVE ME the opportunity to learn in a society that resents me for my gender. GIVE ME the opportunity to rise above an education system that perpetuates sexist ideals. GIVE ME the opportunity to rise above my gender label.
Give me that opportunity and I will use it.