Starting a new series, or even one that you've watched at least a hundred times, is like opening that first present on Christmas. The joy of unwrapping a new show and discovering what's inside is one of the greatest things ever. But then you open up all your presents, you keep searching for one that you maybe missed under or behind the tree. It's over, just like that. You mourn the ending of that show and it takes a hot minute for you to process all that you've seen.
1. Tears happen, lots of them.
It is everything you hoped and dreamed it would be in the end. But why did it have to end?
2. Staring off into nothing for a good 10 minutes.
Trying to remember every single moment and get over the fact that you won't see it again for awhile.
3. Blatant anger.
Hey producers, you couldn't have made another season? Or this series never end? I hate you.
4. A glimpse into the unknown.
What am I supposed to do now? Watch another show, just like that? I think not.
5. Feeling kind of empty inside.
Because no other show deserves my view and this is the end of basically a legacy.
6. Isolating yourself.
You can't get distracted from mourning. Turn off your phone, close your laptop and don't answer that door. You need to be alone for this.
7. Frantically trying to find a new show to watch.
You go to where no one goes on Netflix or Hulu. Trying to find anything and everything to watch to get your mind off of the end of a series.
8. You find every and any excuse to bring up the show.
You start by saying all the signature lines from the show, but it gets worse and you start reciting everything you can. You become the show.
9. You finally find a new series to watch.
Time to fall madly in love with yet another series. And try not to think about the fact that it too, has to end as well.
10. Rewatch it over again.