The two of you meet and immediately your life changes. There is a part of your life that you didn't know existed, that opens your eyes to a whole new part of the world. The first time you fall in love is one of the most crucial experiences in someone's life. Finding the right person, the person, with whom you want to spend the rest of your life is an accomplishment most people strive to achieve.
However, there is not a guarantee that you will meet this person, especially at the right time. This is the key part that makes all the difference. When you meet the person you believe is "the one," you just believe that things will work out, but that is not always the case.The story is seen everywhere we look: Movies, books and other adults. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, get married, have kids and happily ever after — roll the credits. Wouldn't it be nice if the world and love were that simple?
Timing is something that no one can seem to get right with relationships. We meet the wrong person at the right time, and the right person at the wrong time. We say to our friends, "It would be so perfect if I met him or her five, eight years from now." Humans are emotionally complicated, and because of this, we manage to mix our emotions in every situation to make that complicated. You may meet the right person, but if you are not the person you need to be, your relationship is going to fail. In order to love and be loved in return, you first need to learn to love yourself.
Love is not a fairytale. You may not find your Prince Charming or find your Cinderella. You need a love that is formed in the purest way: Deeply, fully and selflessly. The love you should strive for evolves from loving the way you want to be loved and being able to give your full self to another person. Both individuals need to be ready to surrender their heart, mind and soul to another person. A part of your life, thoughts, dreams and a possible future is being shared with this person.
We want to be able to give everything to the people we love, and we want the love to be reciprocated. How do we deal with loving a person and knowing you cannot be the person he or she needs you to be? In order to give your all into a relationship, you first need to learn to love yourself. Relationships are wonderful and miserable at the same time. If you are not where you need to be in order to love and be loved in return, what do you do? Unfortunately, the best thing you can do for the both of you is let the person go.
We have all heard the saying: "If you love something, let it go, and if it is meant to be, it will come back." If your love with this special person is meant to be, it will happen. Letting someone you love go is one of the most difficult decisions you will have to make. If you can accomplish this, it will be a learning experience like no other. Love and feelings are not something to be played with. You will grow as a person, and this will help you form into the person you need to be in order to have the relationship you deserve. You will acquire the strength to keep going and to never give up on yourself. Even though your heart needed to break to get to this point, you will make it through and find love again.