You know when everything is going good and you're enjoying it but it has to come to and end sometime doesn't it? Or so that is what it seems. We are so young why does it feel like the world is on our shoulders sometimes? Or why are we judged or looked down upon so harshly? Why are we so stressed? It takes a toll on us. We have to balance so much day to day and be able to still smile, but sometimes you just can't.
Our generation is so looked down upon. We are always criticized. No one gives us credit for our huge hearts, our creative minds and our free spirits. We want to see the world. We want to be at the top of the business chains. We want to explore. We want to do what you tell us we can't. We will do it, but our way. We aren't old school. We live day to day sometimes forgetting what it means to live.
We are especially good at one thing though. That is covering up pain. Anxiety, depression, eating disorders, anything and everything. Most cover it up with drugs, alcohol and sex. We lose sight of who we are so fast. Getting lost in the days coming and going.
No one is telling us how much we are worth. No one is telling us that what we feel is valid. No one is helping or listening to us. Not all of us are dumb we are actually very self aware individuals who have a very deep way of thinking when it comes to our feelings and view on the world. But we get so lost in the midst. There is so much pressure on us and we all dream big. Is it too big?
When we love, we love so hard. I can tell you that we are the most passionate group of people you will meet. As it may be for each other, music, art, fashion, the earth, our rights, our mental health, anything. We are so observant with one another and have such deep connections. We give our all to each other. Raw. We want to change the world.
I have had a dream since i was a freshman in high school and I am going to accomplish it no matter what anyone tells me, it is my dream, no one can take it away. That is one misconception with our generation. We are so headstrong. We want what we want. We will get it.
We have so much passion for music especially, it's what saves us from the world. Even rap. It's the beat of the music we like, the feeling it gives us. Music is so important to us as a whole. It is telling us a story of what they've been through. Maybe now they aren't living exactly what you would call morally acceptable life, but it's what we hold close. We connect with them on a personal level. They set this vision in our minds; if they can make it out of their homes and be successful, we can achieve our dreams and nothing can stop us. Thats the difference between you and I. We have this undeniable belief in ourself. But sometimes we get lost....
I think we get lost more than anyone else. We lose our sense of self for a little bit. We are told to dream big but then told our dreams are too big or we are looked down upon because we are different. It's tough growing up and finding yourself. You think you did find yourself but then you question that. You make mistakes, you do things you never said you would, you lose some friends you didn't think you would, you say stupid things, you fail a test. Then every thing hits you all at once like a tidal wave. It's hard, you're adjusting to this new life. No one really understands how you feel, do you even though? I don't think we get enough credit for all the pressure that is placed upon our shoulders because no one ever sees those shoulders break. That is the difference with my generation. We want to just give up and sometimes we do but most of the time we try to keep going and we make it. Right now it may not feel like you will make it and I know the feeling isn't one to be fond of. But remember your dreams, remember the places you want to see in the world, remember your favorite artist who saves you from the world. You must keep going. This is for you if everything just seems to be wrong or you are questioning if you are in the right place. God is right beside you in the darkest times and he will lead you through the dark. I know the pressure on you feels like it is crushing and how sometimes it feels like everything is artificial. You can't lose sight of your worth because you are so worthy of everything great in this world and you need to see that and never let it go. No one can take that away from you, don't let them.