There are a lot of things I like to do. There are not a lot of things I do. Maybe if you’ve been lacking passion lately, you’ll feel the same way I do. Sometimes I truly do not want to do things, even things I enjoy. Can you relate?
I’m a photographer, but sometimes I have no desire or interest in picking up my camera. I write, but sometimes I have to force myself to do so, even to write my articles for the Odyssey. I love to read, but lately I’ve had a hard time making myself pick up a book.
It’s not that I don’t like these activities. It’s just that sometimes I don’t receive any kind of enjoyment from them. Photography is beginning to feel like work. Writing is effort. Reading is unfulfilling.
Is it my fault? Personally, I don’t think so. Often people will tell you, “Oh, you just have to do it,” but that’s not my problem. I am doing it. But I don’t enjoy it the way I used to, and I couldn’t tell you why. Maybe it’s just because I’m busier this semester and I don’t have as much time for my hobbies anymore. Maybe it’s something else.
What I do know, though, is that I’m not always dispassionate. From time to time I still get lost in a book, or I write pages and pages, or edit photos for hours. Passion comes and goes. It’s okay if you’re not feeling passion anymore. It’s okay to struggle.
I know it’s rough to think you may not enjoy your hobby anymore, but I can assure you that you will. It will come back. If it doesn’t, it might be time to consider letting your hobby go and finding a new one. It’s scary, but nothing is scarier than trudging through life without your passion.