We went to watch a high school football game and my sister and her friend (both 13) know nothing about football. They asked some quality questions and had some funny one liners and conversations. So here are the best.
“I just don’t understand why they all have to pile on the poor boy” “I know you’d think once he is down they would stop”This was after all of the players piled on top to try to gain possession after a fumble.
Anna: “so how does this offense and defense thing work?”I tried explaining that the offense and defense switch based on who had the ball.
Morgan: “I’m pretty sure the line of players is the defensive line and the players in the back are the offense.”
Anna: “So the players are both at the same time?”
Morgan: “That makes no sense.”
Anna: “so how do you know when he wants to kick it through the thing and when the other team is supposed to catch it?”
Morgan: “I think both are the goal each time.”
Anna: “That really doesn’t make any sense. Maybe I should look up these rules before the next game.”
Yes, Anna, you probably should.
I can’t hate too much because I had no clue what was going on until high school either.