This week starts my senior year of college. It's an exciting time and it's a nerve wracking time. I get to start my field placement where I can apply all that I have learned in my classes up until now. I get to be a leader in my groups at school which is also exciting and an opportunity that I look forward to. It certainly is an exciting time in life.
However, it is also a terrifying time because I have no clue what is next. Of course I am hoping for a full time job to come next but I still do not know what that looks like for me. It's not a problem of not knowing what to do with my social work degree- the problem is having too many options. I can see myself working in so many different settings that it will be hard to narrow down the choices. I do have a field placement this year that will hopefully help provide some guidance but I still have so many unknowns coming up in the next year.
For someone like me who hates change and the unknowns, it is a pretty tricky time of life. When I do not have a plan, I feel lost but I also know it is so hard to plan at this point in life. I just do not know what opportunities will come my way in the next few years. It's still so nerve wracking and intimidating. I wish I could see what's coming ahead of me but at the same time I just want to enjoy my senior year. The hardest part is being an out of state student. I know I want to move to Maine after I graduate but the thought of how much work that will take scares me. I know there are many changes that are going to be coming my way and I am not sure if I am ready for all of them but here's what I am doing about it.
First of all, I am taking in the moment. Sure, I still worry about the future because it is something that is so close that it is hard to keep putting off. However, I am making sure I stay in the moment. This past weekend I got to help welcome the class of 2020 and it helped me remember that while I am nearing the end of my college journey- they are just starting. Therefore, I needed to be in the present to help them adjust and think back to when I was a freshman.
Secondly, I am taking it one step at a time. First, I need to get through this semester. I am taking my schedule week by week and day by day to minimize the anxiety I feel about the uncertain future. Trust me, it's not easy to take it one step at a time but I know for my own sanity, it is what is needed. I still need reminders from those around me but fortunately I have an awesome support system to help me with that.
At the end of the day, I might not know where I am going next. It is tough at times and it is certainly nerve wracking but at the same time, I know it is just a point in life where I am at. I am still very much happy where I am in my life and know that the future will come and have bright and beautiful things. I just need to work hard and keep smiling. It all works out somehow.