When you are thinking that you don't know what really is,
Something deeply makes me think that.
Also you're trying to find out what it is all about. Has it ever happened to you?
Sometimes when you are looking at something but actually you don't really see it.
We see what our brain wants to see.
Even if it's ugly, our brain can make it the most beautiful thing. isn't it?
The brain is a very powerful that can make you sick even when you are completely feeling well.
The brain can play games with you or fool you.
Are you using your brain or are you letting your brain use you?
The brain can be your enemy or your friend.
This is the balance of mankind that, you have a heart.
What you get, What you react.
When something you do positively can turn into negative things.
The world is not the way you think it is.
When you look at something, It doesn't mean you see it...
Wednesday, March 21, 2018, 6:01 PM