The world is a beautiful place because as you travel across a state, country, or globe, you see different terrain all around you. One thing is for sure, no matter where you are at physically in life, you will face mountains. These mountains might not be physically there, but they are new opportunities or challenges in your life. The mountains in our life are these monstrous moments that can make us a little nervous, angry, or even excited as we stare towards the peaks.
A thing about mountains is that you can't just pick them up and have them moved. It isn't always easier to go around them, and there is hardly ever a way to go under them. To move past a mountain, you must climb it. You have to start at ground zero and take a strenuous climb up the mountain. You push yourself physically, and the same when you face mental mountains. Your muscles might not ache from climbing the mountain you are facing, but it will take a lot of energy to meet what you are about to do. Don't worry, what you are facing may push you, and you may slip and fall a few times. If you make it to the top, you will come out stronger than what you were before.
A mental mountain you could be facing can be as simple as a test coming up, being elected as an officer, or having your heart broken. We face mountains every day of our lives even if we have never noticed it before. Maybe it is deciding whether to eat that delicious looking cookie on the counter or not while you are trying to be a healthier person or trying to accomplish the pile of paperwork on your desk. These mountains we face in life can be as huge as Everest or the size of a molehill, but either way, it is your decision to make the climb.
Miley Cyrus sang it best,
"There's always gonna be another mountain. I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle. Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb."
The chance to take on the mountain you are facing is an opportunity for personal development, even if there is a chance you won't make it to the top, the beauty around you can still take your breath away. You can still learn more about yourself than ever before, and most importantly you are taking yourself to a new level. No matter if you are at the ground level, a plateau, a steep slope, or a few inches from the peak of the mountain, the climb you have taken will be something you won't ever forget. Whether it is a big project, a hard loss, or an opportunity to branch out of your comfort zone if you are facing a mountain, it won't always be easy.
You may struggle, lose some footing, or wonder if you will ever reach the top. You can do it, it may take time to accomplish the mountain, but this is a learning experience. Take a deep breath and a look at your surroundings because you won't ever see a mountain like that again. Start your climb, know it won't always be easy, but once you reach the top you will feel on top of the world.