I constantly struggle with the idea in my head that I am not good enough. It can vary from anything from I am not good enough to accomplish my dreams, to I am not good enough to be with that guy. It is a constant battle I am always loosing. It is hard to admit your flaws, but it is even harder to accept them. Something I have never particularly been good at. The problem is I always compare myself to others. Either she is prettier than me, smarter than me, in better shape than me. There is always something that someone else has that I don’t have. So the question I ask myself is when will I be enough? Not for others, but when will I be good enough for myself?
You may think I am crazy or dramatic, and that is ok. Everyone will have their own opinions and quite frankly I don’t care. It is time for me to stop caring so much what OTHERS think of me. What others think of me has nothing to do with my worth or who I am. Because I AM good enough. I deserve to be happy. I deserve to not always fear failure. I know others often find themselves in my same situation. And as much as I wish I could tell you how to accept yourself, or give you steps to accomplish this, I cannot. Everyone is different and everyone will take the time THEY need. But I want you to know you are not alone. You are not weird or crazy, you just need time and personal growth.
The battle in your head, in my head, it is hard. And it may never fully go away. But know that you are good enough, we ARE good enough. Find the guy who supports you, knows your worth, and is willing to give you the world. Go for the job you really want, and do not stop until you get there. No matter how many ups and downs you come across in life you can accomplish anything you want. Who cares if someone does not approve or if someone gets to where you want to be faster. As long as you are happy and you are working to be the best you can be that is all that counts. Life is short, do not waste it comparing yourself to others. BE YOU.