I often try my best to be sarcastic at times by addressing issues in a way that may go against my own conscience in order to generate comparative thoughts from others about a subject matter. Sometimes, trying to express thoughts that are totally outside of one’s own conscience will bring aggressive reactions, messages, and provocative talks from others. The one thing to remember at such time is to keep calm and play the game safely. However, sometimes, truths can be preached in different ways, including through irony.
There exist imperfections in the world. They are becoming more powerful nowadays due to a significant amount of issues that duplicate them such as hunger, sexual craving, wealth, money, pride, etc… It is not a good idea to blame the imperfections of an entire community to a single group of people, but every default starts with one individual, then is carried on a whole generation.
It’s all start with one individual. "You" also decide where the world is heading in the next millennium.
Most of the times, the cultural beliefs we share come from the perspective of one individual in the past who initiate a practice, a life routine, a tantrum, a slogan, or a behavior that we prone as tradition. There may be some connection to religious’ beliefs as well, but I will not try to interfere with mysticism or invisible areas of practice now. Behavioral routines, beliefs, and practices are the ones that matter the most for me now since it turns out that society, as a contagious entity, tends to convert every innocent being into its traditions; sometimes, via a bible of lies and unhealthy life's habits.
Leave the religion behind, how dare a society be promoting impudicity of self, loss of self-respect and disrespect toward others, sexual craving by young children, teenagers, and immature adults, and wants me to digest them as good ethics? Today, most of the young generation is growing exempt of morality, civility, and humanness. Things that used to be considered disrespect have become legitimate. Dad, don’t mess with me, or I will call the police on your back. Mom, don’t mess with me, or I will leave the house for you. Pastor, don’t talk about this subject matter, or if you do, your church risks to be empty next Sunday. Professor, don’t advise me about how my life should be, and what to do or not, or you risk having a lawsuit on your back... It’s all gone in this direction where values don’t matter anymore.
The day has come where young kids don’t say “Hello” to a superior anymore, but address everyone like their own pals. We don’t greet a neighbor or an encounter at first sight anymore, since being apathetic is what makes them look nice; maybe it doesn’t matter… because the sense of civilization and humanness are gone. The day has come where young children, teenagers, and immature young adults have taken the power of decision making from parents, marginalizing them due to adulthood. You shall not believe it, but the sustainable life our fathers promoted are going extinct. Our lives won’t last longer than theirs, due to our own imperfections, tantrums, and incoherent modernization of our life’s routines. The day has come where "society of clan" has replaced civil unions, neighborliness, and togetherness. You risk being left alone if you dare address the tantrums developed by the fierce children, the sodomization of the youth, the failure of parents to educate, teach and familiarize children with good mannerism, the taken away of the power of institutors against their students. Society's core values are being deteriorated and leave our world into a circumvolution where everything is to be redefined: marriage, brotherhood, ethnicity, mannerism, food etc.
Leaving you with this quote by Mark Twain “Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect”. My message is to invite you to stop fitting into this world, stop following the crowd, and start living a decent life that will attract blessing, purity of mind, and humanness on you and others around you. May life be beautiful to all of us.