Dear Friend,
I know how you feel. Whether it was a parent, significant other, or even yourself, being told you aren’t good enough can change the entirety of how you see yourself—and the way you see the world. So often we put our worth, value, and significance in the hands of another person. We might even make said person(s) our "god." The dangerous thing about this is, not only does it give the other person all the power over us, but we’re giving this power to another human—an imperfect, messy, mistake-making human. Do you understand what I’m trying to say here? It's no secret that we humans are not perfect by any means, thus it is only a matter of time before they (whether accidentally or purposefully) hurt, disappoint, or upset us—taking with them our self-worth and confidence.
Instead, we should place our trust in the One who says you are not only good enough, but you are worth dying for. Don’t believe me? Well that’s exactly what Jesus did for you. He had YOU in mind when He went to the cross. Oftentimes it’s easy to think, “Okay, but He didn’t die for me specifically. I mean, I wasn’t even born yet.” Yes, this is a valid thought and I’ve wrestled with it too. But we have to remember that God’s ways are greater than our own. Though our human minds cannot fathom the extent to which He loves us, I assure you that it is far greater than you could ever think or imagine.
God did not send Jesus to die only for the people who seem to have it all together, who sit in the front-row at church every Sunday, or who lack a “past.” In fact, Jesus came for those who don’t have it all together, those who have been desperately searching for something to fill the void they feel in their heart.
He came for you.
Now you might not be into the whole “Christian” scene, and that’s okay. Whether you’ve grown up in church or have never had a personal relationship with Him, I want to share this with you today: God loves you—He has always loved you—and He will always love you. No matter what...
- If you don’t love Him, He loves you.
- If you are angry at Him, He loves you.
- If you have given up on Him, He loves you.
- Even if you don’t even believe in him, He loves you.
xo, Lex